
Increased errors for ChatGPT


Between 3:30am PT and 7:08am PT and a small number of APIs experienced elevated error rates.

Root Cause & Remediation

The root cause of the initial issue was a failure with Cosmos DB in ChatGPT. Our service provider recovered the affected DBs at 4:25am PT.

The second issue was caused by web service pods crash-looping due to their health checks failing, marking pods as unhealthy and subsequently not having enough resources available to service all the requests to the web layer. At this time we believed this was due to users retrying requests. These issues recovered after we implemented a fix to the web server’s health checking logic.


  • We will make a series of changes to the web systems to more gracefully degrade when they fail including concurrency control and better load shedding.

  • A larger investment in making our DB layer more resilient to service provider outages is already underway.

We know that extended outages can impact your products, businesses, and lives. We will prioritize the preventative measures outlined above to continue improving our reliability.

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Availability metrics are reported at an aggregate level across all tiers, models, and error types. Individual customer availability may vary depending on their subscription tier: PAYG, Scale-Tier, or Reserved Capacity, as well as the specific model and API features in use.