Resolved -
Between 05:19AM and 07:05AM PST, some ChatGPT Enterprise features had degraded performance. The impact comprised of slow logins and degradation in performance of the Workspace Analytics tab, the Members tab, and the Compliance API. We have now mitigated the issue and recovered.
Dec 9, 07:23 PST
Monitoring -
Error rates have once again returned to normal. We're monitoring closely.
Dec 9, 07:10 PST
Update -
We're continuing to work on a resolution for this issue. In the meantime, users will still experience disruption to the previously mentioned features of ChatGPT Enterprise.
Dec 9, 06:56 PST
Identified -
Unfortunately, performance on Workspace Analytics, the Compliance API, and Members tab has become degraded again. We're working to restore normal performance.
Dec 9, 06:20 PST
Monitoring -
We're now recovered as of 05:44am PST. Login, Workplace Analytics, the Compliance API, and the Members tab for ChatGPT Enterprise are now all functioning as normal. We're continuing to monitor.
Dec 9, 06:05 PST
Identified -
We've identified the root cause and have begun mitigation. We're observing an improvement in performance.
Dec 9, 05:50 PST
Investigating -
We're aware of some disruption to ChatGPT Enterprise. Users may experience slowness during login. We are also investigating degraded performance on Workspace Analytics, the Compliance API, and the Members tab. Issues began at 05:19AM PST.
Dec 9, 05:42 PST